2009.01.17: Trebilco, The Early Christians in Ephesus

Paul Trebilco, The Early Christians in Ephesus from Paul to Ignatius
Reviewed by Markus Oehler


  1. In a book which otherwise examines things in great detail, Paul Trebilco sadly dismisses Ephesians as a primary source for Christians in Ephesus in just a couple of pages, relying on two traditional but outdated and discredited arguments.
    Otherwise a fine book on a topic that has increasing fascination for scholars and tourists alike.

  2. Having had the great privilege of studying under Paul Trebilco when this book was being written, I am delighted to see the work appear in its finished form. The research is thorough, the style of writing eminently readable.

    The setting aside of 'Ephesians' as a primary resource for Christianity in Ephesus is a decision that I also disagreed with. Let me assure potential readers, however, that this was the subject of much rigorous discussion!

    The work is a much-needed picture of life in the early church's formative years in a major city of the Roman Empire. Highly recommended.


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