2024.12.21. Tops, Paroimia and Parrēsia in the Gospel of John
Thomas Tops, Paroimia and Parrēsia in the Gospel of John: A Historical-Hermeneutical Study
Daniel Frayer-Griggs
Susan Miller, Women in John’s Gospel
Rodolfo Galvan Estrada III
Andrew Errington, Every Good Path: Wisdom and Practical Reason in Christian Ethics and the Book of Proverbs
Paavo N. Tucker
Evyatar Marienberg, Traditional Jewish Sex Guidance: A History
Robert Jütte
Mark J. Goodwin, Paul and Participation in Christ: The Patristic Witness
Benjamin A. Edsall
Miriam Goldstein, A Judeo-Arabic Parody of the Life of Jesus: The Toledot Yeshu Helene Narrative
Rebecca Scharbach Wollenberg
Eve-Marie Becker, Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson, and Susanne Luther, eds., Who was “James”?: Essays on the Letter’s Authorship and Provenance
Martin C. Albl
Sophus Helle and Gina Konstantopoulos, eds., The Shape of Stories: Narrative Structures in Cuneiform Literature
Amar Annus
Emanuel Fiano, Three Powers in Heaven: The Emergence of Theology and the Parting of the Ways
Adele Reinhartz
A. Andrew Das, Remarriage in Early Christianity
Sylvie Chabert d’Hyères
Richard A. Wright, A Reader in Biblical Greek
Akio Ito
Florian Wilk, ed., Paul and Moses: The Exodus and Sinai Traditions in the Letters of Paul
Timothy Keiderling
James W. Voelz and Christopher Mitchell, Mark 8:27–16:20
Elizabeth E. Shively
Steve Mason, Flavius Josephus: Judean War 4
David R. Edwards
Marvin J. Heller, Essays on the Making of the Early Hebrew Book
Joshua Schwartz
David Brakke, Gospel of Judas: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Johanna Brankaer