2024.06.50. Stewart, Breaking Bread

Alistair C. Stewart, Breaking Bread: The Emergence of Eucharist and Agape in Early Christian Communities
Steven Dunn

2024.06.49. Runesson, Judaism for Gentiles

Anders Runesson, Judaism for Gentiles: Reading Paul beyond the Parting of the Ways Paradigm
Terence L. Donaldson

2024.06.48. Massinelli, For Your Sake He Became Poor

Georges Massinelli, For Your Sake He Became Poor: Ideology and Practice of Gift Exchange between Early Christian Groups
Anna M. V. Bowden

2024.06.47. Graziano, La composizione letteraria del Vangelo di Matteo

Francesco Graziano, La composizione letteraria del Vangelo di Matteo
Matteo Munari

2024.06.46. Gause, Hebrews

R. Hollis Gause, Hebrews
Harold W. Attridge

2024.06.45. Ego, Tobit

Beate Ego, Tobit
Katherine E. Southwood

2024.06.44. Cooper and Wood, Social Control in Late Antiquity

Kate Cooper and Jamie Wood, eds., Social Control in Late Antiquity: The Violence of Small Worlds
Margaret Y. MacDonald

2024.06.43. Black, Mark’s Gospel

C. Clifton Black, Mark’s Gospel: History, Theology, Interpretation
Jarrett Knight

2024.06.42. Belleville and Das, Scripture, Texts, and Tracings in Romans

Linda L. Belleville and A. Andrew Das, eds., Scripture, Texts, and Tracings in Romans
David M. Allen

2024.06.41. Arnold, The Book of Deuteronomy: Chapters 1–11

Bill T. Arnold, The Book of Deuteronomy: Chapters 1–11
Carmen Palmer

2024.06.40. Witte, Schröter, and Lepper, Torah, Temple, Land

Markus Witte, Jens Schröter, and Verena M. Lepper, eds., Torah, Temple, Land: Constructions of Judaism in Antiquity
Joseph Scales

2024.06.39. Stanley, Paul and Asklepios

Christopher D. Stanley, Paul and Asklepios: The Greco-Roman Quest for Healing and the Apostolic Mission
Jennifer Eyl

2024.06.38. Smith, Allusive and Elusive

Cooper Smith, Allusive and Elusive: Allusion and the Elihu Speeches of Job 32–37
Nicolae Roddy

2024.06.37. Novenson, Paul, Then and Now

Matthew V. Novenson, Paul, Then and Now
Oda Wischmeyer

2024.06.36. Kleiman, Beyond Israel and Aram

Assaf Kleiman, Beyond Israel and Aram: The Archaeology and History of Iron Age Communities in the Central Levant
Joel S. Burnett

2024.06.35. King, Reclaiming the Radical Economic Message of Luke

David D. M. King, Reclaiming the Radical Economic Message of Luke
Renee Dutter Miller

2024.06.34. Desmond, Hegel’s Antiquity

Will D. Desmond, Hegel’s Antiquity
Shawn Kelley

2024.06.33. Culpepper, Matthew: A Commentary

R. Alan Culpepper, Matthew: A Commentary
Clinton Wahlen

2024.06.32. Burnett, Christ’s Enthronement at God’s Right Hand and Its Greco-Roman Cultural Context

D. Clint Burnett, Christ’s Enthronement at God’s Right Hand and Its Greco-Roman Cultural Context
Aquila H. I. Lee

2024.06.31. Behrens, Das Wort Gottes im Kontext alttestamentlicher Hermeneutik

Achim Behrens, Das Wort Gottes im Kontext alttestamentlicher Hermeneutik: Untersuchungen zum Wort Gottes und zum Gottesbild im Alten Testament
Benedikt J. Collinet

2024.06.30. Rubenstein, Studies in Rabbinic Narratives

Jeffrey L. Rubenstein, ed., Studies in Rabbinic Narratives: Volume 1
Reuven Kiperwasser

2024.06.29. Nõmmik, Die Erzelternerzählungen im Lichte höfischer Erzählkunst

Urmas Nõmmik, Die Erzelternerzählungen im Lichte höfischer Erzählkunst: Motivkritische Studien zu den Überlieferungen von Lot, Isaak, Rebekka und Jakob
Kristin Weingart

2024.06.28. McCollough, Ritual and Religious Experience in Early Christianities

David John McCollough, Ritual and Religious Experience in Early Christianities: The Spirit in Between
Rikard Roitto

2024.06.27. Gmirkin, Plato’s Timaeus and the Biblical Creation Accounts

Russell E. Gmirkin, Plato’s Timaeus and the Biblical Creation Accounts: Cosmic Monotheism and Terrestrial Polytheism in the Primordial History
Paavo N. Tucker

2024.06.26. Fournet, The Rise of Coptic

Jean-Luc Fournet, The Rise of Coptic: Egyptian versus Greek in Late Antiquity
Melody Everest

2024.06.25. Dube, Jesus, the Best Capernaum Folk-Healer

Zorodzai Dube, Jesus, the Best Capernaum Folk-Healer: Mark’s Aretalogy of Jesus in the Healing Stories
Olugbenga Olagunju

2024.06.24. van Boxel, Macfarlane, and Weinberg, The Mishnaic Moment

Piet van Boxel, Kirsten Macfarlane, and Joanna Weinberg, eds., The Mishnaic Moment: Jewish Law among Jews and Christians in Early Modern Europe
Chanan Gafni

2024.06.23. Boring, Hearing Paul’s Voice

M. Eugene Boring, Hearing Paul’s Voice: Insights for Teaching and Preaching
Michael P. Knowles

2024.06.22. Bemmerl, Der Jakobusbrief in der Alten Kirche

Christian Bemmerl, Der Jakobusbrief in der Alten Kirche: Eine Spurensuche vom Neuen Testament bis zu Origenes
Martin C. Albl

2024.06.21. Ahuvia and Kocar, Placing Ancient Texts

Mika Ahuvia and Alexander Kocar, eds.,  Placing Ancient Texts: The Ritual and Rhetorical Use of Space
Gert T. M. Prinsloo

2024.06.20. Vinzent, Resetting the Origins of Christianity

Markus Vinzent, Resetting the Origins of Christianity: A New Theory of Sources and Beginnings
Kimberly B. Stratton

2024.06.19. Tupamahu, Contesting Languages

Ekaputra Tupamahu, Contesting Languages: Heteroglossia and the Politics of Language in the Early Church
Joseph A. Marchal

2024.06.18. Spencer, Passions of the Christ

F. Scott Spencer, Passions of the Christ: The Emotional Life of Jesus in the Gospels
Nils Neumann

2024.06.17. MacDiarmid, The Memory of Ignatius of Antioch

Frazer MacDiarmid, The Memory of Ignatius of Antioch: The Martyr as a Locus of Christian Identity, Remembering and Remembered
Harry O. Maier

2024.06.16. Kim, Mayfield, and Park, Historical Settings, Intertextuality, and Biblical Theology

Hyun Chul Paul Kim, Tyler D. Mayfield, and Hye Kyung Park, eds., Historical Settings, Intertextuality, and Biblical Theology: Essays in Honor of Marvin A. Sweeney
Alexiana Fry

2024.06.15. Jackson-McCabe, Jewish Christianity

Matt Jackson-McCabe, Jewish Christianity: The Making of the Christianity-Judaism Divide
Joshua Schwartz

2024.06.14. Greenberg, The Case for a Proto-Gospel

Gary Greenberg, The Case for a Proto-Gospel: Recovering the Common Written Source behind Mark and John
Jonathan W. Lo

2024.06.13. Foster and Foster, A Mesopotamian Miscellany

Karen Polinger Foster and Benjamin R. Foster, A Mesopotamian Miscellany
Corinna Nichols

2024.06.12. Filitz, Gott Unterwegs

Judith E. Filitz, Gott Unterwegs: Die traditions- und religionsgeschichtlichen Hintergründe des Habakukliedes
Gert T. M. Prinsloo

2024.06.11. Cain, Mirrors of the Divine

Emily R. Cain, Mirrors of the Divine: Late Ancient Christianity and the Vision of God
Jaeda C. Calaway

2024.06.10. Wright, Satan and the Problem of Evil

Archie T. Wright, Satan and the Problem of Evil: From the Bible to the Early Church Fathers
Michael B. Hundley

2024.06.09. Woolstenhulme, The Matriarchs in Genesis Rabbah

Katie J. Woolstenhulme, The Matriarchs in Genesis Rabbah
Joel Gerboff

2024.06.08. Wintle with Gnanakan, Ephesians

Brian Wintle with Ken Gnanakan, Ephesians: A Pastoral and Contextual Commentary
Olivia Fain

2024.06.07. Phaipi, The Bible and Patriarchy in Traditional Tribal Society

Chingboi Guite Phaipi, The Bible and Patriarchy in Traditional Tribal Society: Re-reading the Bible’s Creation Stories
Vien V. Nguyen, SCJ

2024.06.06. Nathan, Re-membering the New Covenant at Corinth

Emmanuel Nathan, Re-membering the New Covenant at Corinth: A Different Perspective on 2 Corinthians 3
Paul B. Duff

2024.06.05. Myers, Reading John and 1, 2, 3 John

Alicia D. Myers, Reading John and 1, 2, 3 John: A Literary and Theological Commentary
Jeffrey Tripp

2024.06.04. Kirk, Jesus Tradition, Early Christian Memory, and Gospel Writing

Alan Kirk, Jesus Tradition, Early Christian Memory, and Gospel Writing: The Long Search for the Authentic Source
Olegs Andrejevs

2024.06.03. Johnson Hodge, Joseph, and Liew, Divided Worlds?

Caroline Johnson Hodge, Timothy A. Joseph, and Tat-siong Benny Liew, eds., Divided Worlds? Challenges in Classics and New Testament Studies
Jinyu Liu

2024.06.02. Frey, Qumran and Christian Origins

Jörg Frey, Qumran and Christian Origins
Eileen Schuller

2024.06.01. Bills, A Theology of Justice in Exodus

Nathan Bills, A Theology of Justice in Exodus
Franz Volker Greifenhagen