2021.10.40. Verde, Conquered Conquerors
Danilo Verde, Conquered Conquerors: Love and War in the Song of Songs
Ellena Lyell
Danilo Verde, Conquered Conquerors: Love and War in the Song of Songs
Ellena Lyell
Geert Roskam and Joseph Verheyden, eds., Light on Creation: Ancient Commentators in Dialogue and Debate on the Origin of the World
Brandon R. Grafius
B. J. Oropeza, Craig Evans, and Paul T. Sloan, eds., New Studies in Textual Interplay
David M. Allen
Peter Oakes, Empire, Economics, and the New Testament
Jürgen K. Zangenberg
Lidija Novakovic, Philippians: A Handbook on the Greek Text
Michael Sweeney
Karalina Matskevich, Construction of Gender and Identity in Genesis: The Subject and the Other
Barbara Deutschmann
Kees de Blois, Louis Dorn, Gerrit J. van Steenbergen, and John A. Thompson, A Handbook on Hosea and Joel
Steven Tuell
Blossom Stefaniw, Christian Reading: Language, Ethics, and the Order of Things
Reviewed by H. Gregory Snyder
Daniel DeForest London, Theodicy and Spirituality in the Fourth Gospel: A Girardian Perspective
Reviewed by Russell Morton
Hilary Lipka and Bruce Wells, eds., Sexuality and Law in the Torah
Reviewed by Ilan Peled
Judith Herrin, Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe
Reviewed by Lee M. Jefferson
Robert P. Gordon, trans.; George A. Kiraz and Joseph Bali, eds., The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English Translation: Chronicles
Reviewed by Robert J. Owens
Philip Michael Forness, Preaching Christology in the Roman Near East: A Study of Jacob of Serugh
Reviewed by Anuj M. Amin
M. Daniel Carroll R., The Book of Amos
Reviewed by Jason Radine
Martin Brons, Augustins Trinitätslehre praktisch: Katechese, Liturgie, Predigt: Ritual und Unterweisungauf dem Weg der Taufe
Reviewed by Alexander H. Pierce
Jennifer Barry, Bishops in Flight: Exile and Displacement in Late Antiquity
Reviewed by Ritva H. Williams
Patricia D. Ahearne-Kroll, Aseneth of Egypt: The Composition of a Jewish Narrative
Reviewed by Maria Brutti
Buyoung Son, The Subversive Chronicler: Narrative Film Theory and Canon Criticism Refocus His Intention
Reviewed by D. Allen Hutchison
Daniel S. Robinson, Fate, Freedom, and Happiness: Clement and Alexander on the Dignity of Human Responsibility
Reviewed by Frédérique Dantonel
Barbara A. Richter, The Theology of Hathor of Dendera: Aural and Visual Scribal Techniques in the Per-Wer Sanctuary
Reviewed by J. G. Manning
Sarianna Metso, The Community Rule: A Critical Edition with Translation
Reviewed by Rob Kugler
Jon C. Laansma and Randall X. Gauthier, The Handy Guide to Difficult and Irregular Greek Verbs: Aids for Readers of the Greek New Testament
Reviewed by Sung Cho
Magnar Kartveit and Gary N. Knoppers, eds., The Bible, Qumran, and the Samaritans
Reviewed by Christian Stadel
Innocent Himbaza, ed., The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute, Held in Fribourg (October 2015)
Reviewed by Theo A. W. van der Louw
Leonard Greenspoon, Jewish Bible Translations: Personalities, Passions, Politics, Progress
Reviewed by Marvin A. Sweeney
Zhodi Angami, Tribals, Empire and God: A Tribal Reading of the Birth of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel
Reviewed by Derek S. Dodson
William C. Pohl IV, Ethical God-Talk in the Book of Job: Speaking to the Almighty
Reviewed by Katherine E. Southwood
Hughson T. Ong, The Multilingual Jesus and the Sociolinguistic World of the New Testament
Reviewed by Michaël Girardin
Francisco Lozada Jr., John: History, Community, and Ideology
Reviewed by Mark A. Matson
Lynn R. Huber and Rhiannon Graybill, eds., The Bible, Gender, and Sexuality: Critical Readings
Reviewed by Shelley L. Birdsong
David Ben-Shlomo, The Iron Age Pottery of Jerusalem: A Typographical and Technological Study
Reviewed by David Ilan
Eyal Ben-Eliyahu, Identity and Territory: Jewish Perceptions of Space in Antiquity
Reviewed by Eyal Regev
Rosie Andrious, Saint Thecla: Body Politics and Masculine Rhetoric
Reviewed by Jacob A. Lollar