2011.06.28. Scolnic, Judaism Defined
Benjamin Edidin Scolnic, Judaism Defined: Mattathias and the Destiny of His People
Reviewed by Daniel R. Schwartz
Benjamin Edidin Scolnic, Judaism Defined: Mattathias and the Destiny of His People
Reviewed by Daniel R. Schwartz
John W. Rogerson, A Theology of the Old Testament: Cultural Memory, Communication, and Being Human
Reviewed by Robert L. Hubbard Jr.
Reviewed by Leonard Mare
Suzanne Richard, Jesse C. Long Jr., Paul S. Holdorf, and Glen Peterman, eds., Khirbat Iskandar: Final Report on the Early Bronze IV Area C ‘Gateway’ and Cemeteries
Reviewed by Ulrich Hübner
James L. Papandrea, The Wedding of the Lamb: A Historical Approach to the Book of Revelation
Reviewed by Russell Morton
David G. Horrell, The Bible and the Environment: Towards a Critical Ecological Biblical Theology
Reviewed by Norman Habel
Nicole Wilkinson Duran, Teresa Okure, and Daniel Patte, eds., Mark
Reviewed by David J. Neville
Reviewed by Steve Smith
John M. Dillon and Wolfgang Polleichtner, Iamblichus of Chalcis: The Letters
Reviewed by Blossom Stefaniw
Jerome F. D. Creach, The Destiny of the Righteous in the Psalms
Reviewed by Johan H. Coetzee
Jeffrey L. Rubenstein, Stories of the Babylonian Talmud
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz
Martin Karrer and Wolfgang Kraus, eds., Die Septuaginta—Texte, Kontexte, Lebenswelten: Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 20.–23. Juli 2006
Reviewed by J. Cornelis De Vos
Robert H. Gundry, Commentary on the New Testament: Verse-by-Verse Explanations with a Literal Translation
Reviewed by Peter J. Judge
Sandra Gambetti, The Alexandrian Riots of 38 C.E. and the Persecution of the Jews: A Historical Reconstruction
Reviewed by Magnus Zetterholm
Christopher L. Carter, The Great Sermon Tradition as a Fiscal Framework in 1 Corinthians: Towards a Pauline Theology of Material Possessions
Reviewed by Philip F. Esler
Assnat Bartor, Reading Law as Narrative: A Study in the Casuistic Laws of the Pentateuch
Reviewed by Thomas B. Dozeman
Roger S. Bagnall, Early Christian Books in Egypt
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek
Jan Assmann, Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the Rise of Monotheism
Reviewed by James K. Hoffmeier
Reinhard Achenbach and Martin Arneth, eds., »Gerechtigkeit und Recht zu üben« (Gen 18,19): Studien zur altorientalischen und biblischen Rechtsgeschichte, zur Religionsgeschichte Israels und zur Religionssoziologie: Festschrift für Eckart Otto zum 65. Geburtstag
Reviewed by Klaus Grünwaldt
G. Sujin Pak, Judaizing Calvin: Sixteenth-Century Debates over the Messianic Psalms
Reviewed by Susan Gillingham
J. Ramsey Michaels, The Gospel of John
Reviewed by D. A. Carson
Mark Leuchter and Klaus-Peter Adam, eds., Soundings in Kings: Perspectives and Methods in Contemporary Scholarship
Reviewed by Frank H. Polak
Jae Hyun Lee, Paul’s Gospel in Romans: A Discourse Analysis of Rom 1:16–8:39
Reviewed by Eve-Marie Becker
Paul Hoffman, Jesus von Nazaret und Die Kirche: Spurensicherung im Neuen Testament
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek
Toshikazu S. Foley, Biblical Translation in Chinese and Greek: Verbal Aspect in Theory and Practice
Reviewed by Ken Chan
Andreas Dettwiler and Uta Poplutz, eds., Studien zu Matthäus und Johannes/Études sur Matthieu et Jean: Festschrift für Jean Zumstein zu seinem 65. Geburtstag/Mélanges offerts à Jean Zumstein pour son 65e anniversaire
Reviewed by Boris Paschke
Faith Cimok, The Hittites and Hattusa
Reviewed by Michael S. Moore
Henry Hanoch Abramovitch, The First Father Abraham: The Psychology and Culture of a Spiritual Revolutionary
Reviewed by D. Andrew Kille