2025.02.18. Winters, Argument Is War
Clifford Winters, Argument Is War: Relevance-Theoretic Comprehension of the Conceptual Metaphor of War in the Apocalypse
Russell Morton
Nicole L. Tilford and Kelly J. Murphy, eds., Biblical Themes in Science Fiction
Maria E. Doerfler
Tekalign Duguma Negewo, Identity Formation and the Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-narrative Reading
Edwin K. Broadhead
David Willgren Davage and Blaženka Scheuer, eds., Sin, Suffering, and the Problem of Evil
Jonathan Gan
Martin Wright, The Dividing Wall: Ephesians and the Integrity of the Corpus Paulinum
Daniel K. Darko
Tyler A. Stewart, The Origin and Persistence of Evil in Galatians
Ryan Heinsch
Steven Edward Harris, Refiguring Resurrection: A Biblical and Systematic Eschatology
Alexander P. Thompson
D. Clint Burnett, Paul and Imperial Divine Honors: Christ, Caesar, and the Gospel
Margaret Froelich
Timothy A. Brookins, Reading 1 Corinthians: A Literary and Theological Commentary
Hannah Fytche
John M. G. Barclay and Kylie Crabbe, eds., The Reception of Jewish Tradition in the Social Imagination of the Early Christians
Jeffrey A. Colburn
Joy L. Vaughan, Phenomenal Phenomena: Biblical and Mulitcultural Accounts of Spirits and Exorcism
Tyler A. Stewart
Samuele Rocca, In the Shadow of the Caesars: Jewish Life in Roman Italy
Miriam Ben-Zeev
Daniel Wayne Roberts, The Pastoral Epistles and the New Perspective on Paul
Tobias Hägerland
Mark Allan Powell, Matthew: An Interpretation Bible Commentary
Duncan Reid
Shulamit Laderman, Jewish Art in Late Antiquity: The State of Research in Ancient Jewish Art
Christoph Uehlinger
Scott W. Hahn and Jeffrey L. Morrow, Modern Biblical Criticism as a Tool of Statecraft (1700–1900)
Shawn Kelley
Ruben Zimmermann, Dorothea Erbele-Küster, Raphaela J. Meyer zu Hörste-Bührer, Michael Roth, and Ulrich Volp, eds., Ethik der Zeit – Zeiten der Ethik: Ethische Temporalität in Antike und Christentum
Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr
Einar Thomassen, Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus
Grayden McCashen
Julie Faith Parker, Eve Isn’t Evil: Feminist Readings of the Bible to Upend Our Assumptions
Esther Brownsmith
Meghan R. Henning, Hell Hath No Fury: Gender, Disability, and the Invention of Damned Bodies in Early Christian Literature
Adam Booth, C.S.C.
Doru Costache, Humankind and the Cosmos: Early Christian Representations
Adam Rasmussen
F. B. A. Asiedu, Paul and His Letters: Thinking with Josephus
William Horst
Emerson B. Powery, The Good Samaritan: Luke 10 for the Life of the Church
Hyun Ho Park
Justo L. González and Catherine Gunsalus González, Worship in the Early Church
David Kneip
Yael Fisch, Written for Us: Paul’s Interpretation of Scripture and the History of Midrash
Nicholas Schaser
Knut Backhaus, Die Entgrenzung des Heils: Gesammelte Studien zur Apostelgeschichte
Daniel B. Glover
Bill T. Arnold and Paavo N. Tucker, Deuteronomy 12–26: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text
Sidnie White Crawford
Jeannine Marie Hanger, Sensing Salvation in the Gospel of John: The Embodied, Sensory Qualities of Participation in the I Am Sayings
Christopher Seglenieks
Rebekah Eklund, The Beatitudes through the Ages
Kathy Barrett Dawson
Martin M. Culy, Mikeal C. Parsons, and Josiah D. Hall, Acts 1–14: A Handbook on the Greek Text, Volume I
Ross D. Harmon