RBL Newsletter, 5 March 2008

The following new reviews have been added to the Review of Biblical Literature. See also below for new reviews in and a special offer from The Bible and Critical Theory.

Dale C. Allison Jr., Studies in Matthew: Interpretation Past and Present
Reviewed by Bogdan G. Bucur

Alec Basson, Divine Metaphors in Selected Hebrew Psalms of Lamentation
Reviewed by Christine Treu

John J. Collins and Craig A. Evans, eds., Christian Beginnings and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Reviewed by Matthew Goff

Jeffrey A. Gibbs, Matthew 1:1–11:1
Reviewed by Charles L. Quarles

John H. Hayes and Carl R. Holladay, Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner’s Handbook
Reviewed by David Allen

Philippe Hugo, Les deux visages d’Élie: Texte massorétique et Septante dans l’histoire la plus ancienne du texte de 1 Rois 17–18
Reviewed by Gerrie Snyman

Brad E. Kelle, Ancient Israel at War 853–586 BC
Reviewed by Ernst Axel Knauf

William Loader, The New Testament with Imagination: A Fresh Approach to Its Writings and Themes
Reviewed by Séan P. Kealy

Megan Bishop Moore, Philosophy and Practice in Writing a History of Ancient Israel
Reviewed by Ralph K. Hawkins

Annette Steudel, Eibert Tigchelaar, and Florentino García Martínez, eds., From 4QMMT to Resurrection: Mélanges qumraniens en hommage à Émile Puech
Reviewed by Kenneth Atkinson

Jerry L. Sumney, Philippians: A Greek Student’s Intermediate Reader
Reviewed by Robert Keay

Gerald H. Wilson, Job
Reviewed by Katharine Dell

The Bible and Critical Theory
Volume 4, Number 1 (February 2008)
Edited by Dr. Julie Kelso with
Associate Editor Dr Roland Boer

RBL READERS: Your free access to The Bible and Critical Theory book reviews has been extended to 31 December 2008. If you do not yet have free online access to the reviews and would like to read them, please contact Sarah Cannon at Monash University ePress (sarah.cannon@lib.monash.edu).
You can also subscribe to the entire online journal for 2008 (starting now and including access to back issues) at a special RBL subscriber’s discounted rate; contact Sarah for further information.

Ehud Ben Zvi, ed., Utopia and Dystopia in Prophetic Literature
Reviewed by Roland Boer

Melody D. Knowles, Esther Menn, John Pawlikowski, and Timothy J. Sandoval, eds., Contesting Texts: Jews and Christians in Conversation about the Bible
Reviewed by Michael Carden

R. S. Sugirtharajah, ed., Voices from the Margin: Interpreting the Bible in the Third World
Reviewed by Bridget Culpepper

Eric S. Christianson, Ecclesiastes through the Centuries
Reviewed by R. Christopher Heard

Mark McEntire and Joel Emerson, Raising Cain, Fleeing Egypt and Fighting Philistines
Reviewed by Soren Holst

Virginia Burrus and Catherine Keller, eds., Toward a Theology of Eros: Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline
Reviewed by Mark Manolopoulos

Tikva Frymer-Kensky, Studies in Bible and Feminist Criticism
Reviewed by Judith E. McKinlay

Wesley J. Bergen and Armin Siedlecki, eds., Voyages in Uncharted Waters: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Biblical Interpretation in Honour of David Jobling
Reviewed by Peter D. Miscall

Graham S. Ogden, Qoheleth
Reviewed by Peter D. Miscall

Ehud Ben Zvi, History, Literature and Theology in the Book of Chronicles
Reviewed by Christine Mitchell

Marcel Danesi, The Quest for Meaning: A Guide to Semiotic Theory and Practice
Reviewed by Mark Sneed

Andrew P. Wilson, Transfigured: A Derridean Rereading of the Markan Transfiguration
Reviewed by Mark Sneed

Elaine M. Wainwright, Women Healing/Healing Women: The Genderization of Healing in Early Christianity
Reviewed by Kristi Upson-Saia

Marvin A. Sweeney, Form and Intertextuality in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature
Reviewed by Thomas Wagner

Review of James G. Crossley, Why Christianity Happened: A Sociohistorical Account of Christian Origins (26–50 CE)
Reviewed by Richard Walsh