RBL Newsletter, 16 July 2008
The following new reviews have been added to the Review of Biblical Literature. See also below for new reviews in The Bible and Critical Theory.
Kevin L. Anderson, “But God Raised Him from the Dead”: The Theology of Jesus’ Resurrection in Luke-Acts
Reviewed by Lidija Novakovic
Norbert Baumert, Sorgen des Seelsorgers: Übersetzung und Auslegung des ersten Korintherbriefes
Reviewed by Helmut Schwier
Jon L. Berquist, ed., Approaching Yehud: New Approaches to the Study of the Persian Period
Reviewed by Armin Siedlecki
Adela Yarbro Collins, Mark: A Commentary
Reviewed by Edwin Broadhead
Johanna Dorman, The Blemished Body: Deformity and Disability in the Qumran Scrolls
Reviewed by T. M. Lemos
Douglas R. Edwards and C. Thomas McCollough, eds., The Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the “Other” in Antiquity: Studies in Honor of Eric M. Meyers
Reviewed by Aren M. Maeir
Avraham Faust, Israel’s Ethnogenesis: Settlement, Interaction, Expansion and Resistance
Reviewed by Kenton L. Sparks
Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert and Martin S. Jaffee, eds., The Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz
Mary Gerhart and Fabian E. Udoh, eds., The Christianity Reader
Reviewed by Mark Reasoner
Rowan A. Greer and Margaret M. Mitchell, The “Belly-Myther” of Endor: Interpretations of 1 Kingdoms 28 in the Early Church
Reviewed by D. Jeffrey Bingham
Christiana de Groot and Marion Ann Taylor, eds., Recovering Nineteenth-Century Women Interpreters of the Bible
Reviewed by Athalya Brenner
John Jarick, 1 Chronicles
Reviewed by Steven L. McKenzie
Anne Lapidus Lerner, Eternally Eve: Images of Eve in the Hebrew Bible, Midrash, and Modern Jewish Poetry
Reviewed by Lieve M. Teugels
Andrew M. Mbuvi, Temple, Exile and Identity in 1 Peter
Reviewed by David G. Horrell
André Munzinger, Discerning the Spirits: Theological and Ethical Hermeneutics in Paul
Reviewed by Lee S. Bond
Reviewed by Victor Paul Furnish
Stephen W. Need, Paul Today: Challenging Readings of Acts and the Epistles
Reviewed by Steve Walton
Barclay M. Newman, ed., The UBS Greek New Testament: A Reader’s Edition
Reviewed by Steven R. Johnson
Bridget Gilfillan Upton, Hearing Mark’s Endings: Listening to Ancient Popular Texts through Speech Act Theory
Reviewed by W. R. Telford
Jan G. van der Watt, An Introduction to the Johannine Gospel and Letters
Reviewed by D. A. Carson
The Bible and Critical Theory 4.2
June 2008
RBL READERS: Your free access to The Bible and Critical Theory book reviews has been extended to 31 December 2008. If you do not yet have free online access to the reviews and would like to read them, please contact epress@lib.monash.edu.au.
See the FREE article in this new issue:
Intersections in Queer Theory and Postcolonial Theory, and Hermeneutical Spin-Offs
Jeremy Punt
Editorial (FREE)
Julie Kelso
John J. Collins, The Bible after Babel: Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age
Reviewed by George Aichele
Corinna Riva and Nicholas C. Vella, eds., Debating Orientalization: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Change in the Ancient Mediterranean
Reviewed by Michael Carden
Steven Schweitzer, Reading Utopia in Chronicles
Reviewed by Roland Boer
David Rhoads, From Every People and Nation: The Book of Revelation in Intercultural Perspective
Reviewed by Rohun Park
Dan O. Via, Divine Justice, Divine Judgment: Rethinking the Judgment of Nations
Reviewed by Kathryn Imray
Hector Avalos, The End of Biblical Studies
Reviewed by Peter D Miscall
J. W. Rogerson, According to the Scriptures: The Use of the Bible in Social, Moral and Political Questions
Reviewed by Craig Martin
Jerome T. Walsh, Ahab: The Construction of a King
Reviewed by Lou McNeil
Ward Blanton, Displacing Christian Origins: Philosophy, Secularity and the New Testament
Reviewed by Richard Walsh
Fiona Black, ed., The Recycled Bible: Autobiography, Culture and the Space Between
Reviewed by Christina Petterson
Anne F. Elvey, An Ecological Feminist Reading of the Gospel of Luke
Reviewed by Rohun Park
Warren S. Goldstein, ed., Marx, Critical Theory and Religion: A Critique of Rational Choice
Reviewed by Roland Boer