2024.10.10. Power, The Significance of Linguistic Diversity in the Hebrew Bible

Cian Power, The Significance of Linguistic Diversity in the Hebrew Bible: Language and Boundaries of Self and Other
Laura Hare 

2024.10.09. Moscicke, The New Day of Atonement

Hans M. Moscicke, The New Day of Atonement: A Matthean Typology
David Z. Blackwell

2024.10.08. Morrow, Liturgy and Sacrament, Mystagogy and Martyrdom

Jeffrey Morrow, Liturgy and Sacrament, Mystagogy and Martyrdom: Essays in Theological Exegesis
Benjamin J. Aich

2024.10.07. McDonald, The Formation of the Biblical Canon

Lee Martin McDonald, The Formation of the Biblical Canon
Alma Brodersen

2024.10.06. Kara-Ivanov Kaniel, The Feminine Messiah

Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel, The Feminine Messiah: King David in the Image of the Shekhinah in Kabbalistic Literature
Margaret Gurewitz Smith

2024.10.05. Grimshaw, Scholars Reading Romans 1 with Daniel Patte

James P. Grimshaw, ed., Scholars Reading Romans 1 with Daniel Patte: Critique, Dialogue, and Pedagogy
A. Francis Carter Jr.

2024.10.04. Garcia-Ventura and Verderame, Perspectives on the History of Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Agnès Garcia-Ventura and Lorenzo Verderame, eds., Perspectives on the History of Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Jeffrey L. Morrow

2024.10.03. Collins and Geyser-Fouché, Emerging Sectarianism in the Dead Sea Scrolls

John J. Collins and Ananda Geyser-Fouché, eds., Emerging Sectarianism in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Continuity, Separation, and Conflict
Eyal Regev

2024.10.02. Black, A Three-Dimensional Jesus

C. Clifton Black, A Three-Dimensional Jesus: An Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels
Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll

2024.10.01. Bautch and Racine, Dreams and Visions in the Bible and Related Literature

Richard J. Bautch and Jean-Francois Racine, eds., Dreams and Visions in the Bible and Related Literature
Andrew B. Perrin

2024.09.38. Breytenbach and Zimmermann, Early Christianity in Lycaonia and Adjacent Areas

Cilliers Breytenbach and Christiane Zimmermann,  Early Christianity in Lycaonia and Adjacent Areas: From Paul to Amphilochius of Iconium
Review by Paul Trebilco
Review by Arjan Zuiderhoek
Response by Cilliers Breytenbach and Christiane Zimmermann

2024.09.37. Stroumsa, The Crucible of Religion in Late Antiquity

Guy G. Stroumsa, The Crucible of Religion in Late Antiquity: Selected Essays
Nicholas Baker-Brian

2024.09.36. Rubenstein, Studies in Rabbinic Narratives

Jeffrey L. Rubenstein, ed., Studies in Rabbinic Narratives: Volume 1
Kristen Lindbeck

2024.09.35. Neril and Dee, Eco Bible: An Ecological Commentary on Genesis and Exodus

Yonatan Neril and Leo Dee, Eco Bible: An Ecological Commentary on Genesis and Exodus
Edward Pillar

2024.09.34. Moriggi and Bhayro, Studies in the Syriac Magical Traditions

Marco Moriggi and Siam Bhayro, eds.,  Studies in the Syriac Magical Traditions
Anna Cherkashina

2024.09.33. Meiser, The Septuagint and Its Reception

Martin Meiser, The Septuagint and Its Reception: Collected Essays
Larry Perkins

2024.09.32. Harper, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai

Joshua L. Harper, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai: A Handbook on the Greek Text
Christopher R. Lortie

2024.09.31. Christian, Paul and the Rhetoric of Resurrection

Timothy J. Christian, Paul and the Rhetoric of Resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15 as Insinuatio
Donghyun Jeong

2024.09.30. Quigley, Divine Accounting

Jennifer A. Quigley, Divine Accounting: Theo-Economics in Early Christianity
Zeba A. Crook

2024.09.29. Park, All Citizens of Christ

Jeehei Park, All Citizens of Christ: A Cosmopolitan Reading of Unity and Diversity in Paul’s Letters
Eric Covington

2024.09.28. Mtukwa, Work and Community in the Thessalonian Correspondence

Gift Mtukwa, Work and Community in the Thessalonian Correspondence: An African Communal Reading of Paul’s Work Exhortations
Adewale Joshua Adelakun

2024.09.27. Kim, Multiple Authorship of the Septuagint Pentateuch

Hayeon Kim, Multiple Authorship of the Septuagint Pentateuch: The Original Translators of the Pentateuch
Camilla Recalcati

2024.09.26. Ilan, Queen Berenice

Tal Ilan, Queen Berenice: A Jewish Female Icon of the First Century CE
Cynthia M. Baker

2024.09.25. Gabbay and Gordin, Individuals and Institutions in the Ancient Near East

Uri Gabbay and Shai Gordin, eds., Individuals and Institutions in the Ancient Near East: A Tribute to Ran Zadok
Brandon Simonson

2024.09.24. Davy, The Book of Job and the Mission of God

Tim J. Davy, The Book of Job and the Mission of God: A Missional Reading
Katharine Dell

2024.09.23. Daise, Quotations in John

Michael A. Daise, Quotations in John: Studies on Jewish Scripture in the Fourth Gospel
Paul N. Anderson

2024.09.22. Carey, Death, the End of History, and Beyond

Greg Carey, Death, the End of History, and Beyond: Eschatology in the Bible
Devlin McGuire

2024.09.21. Brookins, Ancient Rhetoric and the Style of Paul’s Letters

Timothy A. Brookins, Ancient Rhetoric and the Style of Paul’s Letters: A Reference Book
Priscille Marschall

2024.09.20. Middleton, Abraham’s Silence

J. Richard Middleton, Abraham’s Silence: The Binding of Isaac, the Suffering of Job, and How to Talk Back to God
Mark A. Awabdy

2024.09.19. Kiraz, Peshitta English New Testament

George Kiraz, ed., Peshitta English New Testament: The Antioch Bible in English Translation
Kristian S. Heal

2024.09.18. Kalmanofsky, The Power of Equivocation

Amy Kalmanofsky, The Power of Equivocation: Complex Readers and Readings of the Hebrew Bible
Rachel Adelman

2024.09.17. Farrow, 1 and 2 Thessalonians

Douglas Farrow, 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Jamie Davies 

2024.09.16. Elder, Gospel Media

Nicholas A. Elder, Gospel Media: Reading, Writing, and Circulating Jesus Traditions
Alan Kirk

2024.09.15. Crisler, An Intertextual Commentary on Romans, Volume 1

Channing L. Crisler, An Intertextual Commentary on Romans, Volume 1: Romans 1:1–4:25
Karl Olav Sandnes

2024.09.14. Cornell, Divine Aggression in Psalms and Inscriptions

Collin Cornell, Divine Aggression in Psalms and Inscriptions: Vengeful Gods and Loyal Kings
Richard Anthony Purcell

2024.09.13. Borgen, Illuminations by Philo of Alexandria

Peder Borgen, Illuminations by Philo of Alexandria: Selected Studies on Interpretation in Philo, Paul and the Revelation of John
Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer

2024.09.12. Baker, Bergland, Masotti, and Wells, Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch

L. S. Baker Jr., Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells, eds., Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch
Christopher A. Rollston

2024.09.11. Arterbury, Bellinger, and Dodson, Engaging the Christian Scriptures

Andrew E. Arterbury, W. H. Bellinger Jr., and Derek S. Dodson, Engaging the Christian Scriptures: An Introduction to the Bible
Jocelyn McWhirter

2024.09.10. Tully, Reading the Prophets as Christian Scripture

Eric J. Tully, Reading the Prophets as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Introduction
Manhee Yoon

2024.09.09. Tiemeyer and Wöhrle, The Book of the Twelve

Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer and Jakob Wöhrle, eds., The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation
Donatella Scaiola

2024.09.08. Thiselton, Colossians: A Short Exegetical and Pastoral Commentary

Anthony C. Thiselton, Colossians: A Short Exegetical and Pastoral Commentary
Chris S. Stevens

2024.09.07. Schorsch, “Better a Scholar Than a Prophet”

Ismar Schorsch, “Better a Scholar Than a Prophet”: Studies on the Creation of Jewish Studies
Michael Berenbaum

2024.09.06. Lau, The Book of Ruth

Peter H. W. Lau, The Book of Ruth
Mike O’Neal

2024.09.05. Graves, How Scripture Interprets Scripture

Michael Graves, How Scripture Interprets Scripture: What Biblical Writers Can Teach Us about Reading the Bible
David Cohen

2024.09.04. Genung and Zilverberg, The Word of Truth, Sealed by the Spirit

Matthew C. Genung and Kevin Zilverberg, eds., The Word of Truth, Sealed by the Spirit: Perspectives on the Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture
Nélida Naveros Córdova, CDP

2024.09.03. Braun, Jesus and Addiction to Origins

Willi Braun; Russell T. McCutcheon, ed., Jesus and Addiction to Origins: Toward an Anthropocentric Study of Religion
Julius-Kei Kato

2024.09.02. Anthonioz and Dogniez, Représentations et personnification de la sagesse dans l’Antiquité et au-delà

Stéphanie Anthonioz and Cécile Dogniez, eds., Représentations et personnification de la sagesse dans l’Antiquité et au-delà
Anne Létourneau

2024.09.01. Akala, Exploring the Glory of God

Adesola Joan Akala, ed., Exploring the Glory of God: New Horizons for a Theology of Glory
J. Michael Thigpen

2024.08.50. Schröder, Das Galiläa der Heiden

Michael Schröder, Das Galiläa der Heiden: Untersuchungen zur Galiläakonzeption im

Heiko Wojtkowiak

2024.08.49. Schick, Intention in Talmudic Law

Shana Strauch Schick, Intention in Talmudic Law: Between Thought and Deed
Jane L. Kanarek

2024.08.48. Onyumbe, Piles of Slain, Heaps of Corpses

Jacob Onyumbe Wenyi, Piles of Slain, Heaps of Corpses: Reading Prophetic Poetry and Violence in African Context
Megan D. Alsene-Parker

2024.08.47. Nagel, Briefe und Apokalypsen aus den Schriften von Nag Hammadi und dem Codex Tchacos

Peter Nagel, Briefe und Apokalypsen aus den Schriften von Nag Hammadi und dem Codex Tchacos mit einer Neuausgabe der “Epistula Apostolorum”. Vol. 2 of Codex apocryphus gnosticus Novi Testamenti
Johanna Brankaer

2024.08.46. Lee and Oropeza, Practicing Intertextuality

Max J. Lee and B. J. Oropeza, eds., Practicing Intertextuality: Ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman Exegetical Techniques in the New Testament
David Allen

2024.08.45. Jeong, A Greek Reader

Mark Jeong, A Greek Reader: Companion to A Primer of Biblical Greek
Jacob N. Cerone

2024.08.44. Giffone, Storymaking, Textual Development, and Varying Cultic Centralizations

Benjamin D. Giffone, Storymaking, Textual Development, and Varying Cultic Centralizations: Gathering and Fitting Unhewn Stones
Jordan Davis

2024.08.43. Bodi, Abishag: Administrator of King David’s Household

Daniel Bodi, Abishag: Administrator of King David’s Household
John W. Herbst

2024.08.42. Birnbaum and Dillon, Philo of Alexandria, On the Life of Abraham

Ellen Birnbaum and John M. Dillon, Philo of Alexandria, On the Life of Abraham: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Tommy Woodward

2024.08.41. Bar-Magen Numhauser, Hispanojewish Archaeology

Alexander Bar-Magen Numhauser, Hispanojewish Archaeology: The Jews of Hispania in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages through Their Material Remains
José R. Ayaso

2024.08.40. Rodriguez, Combining Gospels in Early Christianity

Jacob A. Rodriguez, Combining Gospels in Early Christianity: The One, the Many, and the Fourfold
Cambry G. Pardee

2024.08.39. Reynolds, The Qur’an and the Bible

Gabriel Said Reynolds, The Qur’an and the Bible: Text and Commentary
Meira Polliack

2024.08.38. Minov and Flavia Ruani, Syriac Hagiography

Sergey Minov and Flavia Ruani, eds., Syriac Hagiography: Texts and Beyond
Kelli Bryant Gibson

2024.08.37. Louth, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Andrew Louth, ed., The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
Kyle R. Hughes

2024.08.36. Jew, Paul’s Emotional Regime

Ian Y. S. Jew, Paul’s Emotional Regime: The Social Function of Emotion in Philippians and 1 Thessalonians
Robert Paul Seesengood

2024.08.35. Horky, Cosmos in the Ancient World

Phillip Sidney Horky, ed., Cosmos in the Ancient World
Matthew T. Sharp

2024.08.34. Funke, Der Priester Pinhas in Jerusalem und auf dem Berg Garizim

Tobias Funke, Der Priester Pinhas in Jerusalem und auf dem Berg Garizim: Eine intertextuelle Untersuchung und literar-, sozial- und religionsgeschichtliche Einordnung
Jonathan Miles Robker

2024.08.33. deSilva, Fourth Maccabees and the Promotion of the Jewish Philosophy

David A. deSilva, Fourth Maccabees and the Promotion of the Jewish Philosophy: Rhetoric, Intertexture, and Reception
Rebecca Harris

2024.08.32. Cook and Homstedt, Intermediate Biblical Hebrew

John A. Cook and Robert D. Homstedt, Intermediate Biblical Hebrew: An Illustrated Grammar
Andrew D. Gross

2024.08.31. Carey, Women Who Do

Holly J. Carey, Women Who Do: Female Disciples in the Gospels
Renee Miller