2016.12.72. Zager, Jesusforschung in vier Jahrhunderten
Werner Zager, Jesusforschung in vier Jahrhunderten: Texte von den Anfängen historischer Kritik bis zur “dritten Frage” nach dem historischen Jesus
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek
Daniel Lynwood Smith, Into the World of the New Testament: Greco-Roman and Jewish Texts and Contexts
Reviewed by Troy M. Troftgruben
V. George Shillington, An Introduction to the Study of Luke-Acts
Reviewed by James M. Morgan
Jeremy Schipper, Ruth: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Reviewed by George Savran
Adele Reinhartz, Caiaphas the High Priest
Reviewed by Arie W. Zwiep
Leo G. Perdue and Warren Carter; Coleman A. Baker, ed., Israel and Empire: A Postcolonial History of Israel and Early Judaism
Reviewed by Steed Vernyl Davidson
Donald W. Parry and Emanuel Tov, The Dead Sea Scrolls Reader, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
Reviewed by Peter Porzig
Manfred Oeming and Konrad Schmid, Job’s Journey: Stations of Suffering
Reviewed by Katharine Dell
Alicia D. Myers and Bruce G. Schuchard, eds., Abiding Words: The Use of Scripture in the Gospel of John
Reviewed by Inhee C. Berg
Duane Litfin, Paul’s Theology of Preaching: The Apostle’s Challenge to the Art of Persuasion in Ancient Corinth
Reviewed by James W. Thompson
Richard Kalmin, Migrating Tales: The Talmud’s Narratives and Their Historical Context
Reviewed by Rivka Ulmer
Susan E. Hylen, A Modest Apostle: Thecla and the History of Women in the Early Church
Reviewed by Kate Wilkinson
Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford, ed., The Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms: The Current State of Scholarship
Reviewed by John E. Anderson
Miriam Bier, ‘Perhaps There Is Hope’: Reading Lamentations as a Polyphony of Pain, Penitence, and Protest
Reviewed by Amy C. Cottrill
David J. Zucker and Moshe Reiss, The Matriarchs of Genesis: Seven Women, Five Views
Reviewed by Robin Gallaher Branch
Adam White, Where Is the Wise Man? Graeco-Roman Education as a Background to the Divisions in 1 Corinthians 1–4
Reviewed by Bart J. Koet
Reviewed by H. H. Drake Williams III
Richard Walsh and Jay Twomey, eds., Borges and the Bible
Reviewed by Michelle Fletcher
Helmut Utzschneider and Wolfgang Oswald, Exodus 1–15
Reviewed by Danny Mathews
Steven Tuell, Reading Nahum–Malachi: A Literary and Theological Commentary
Reviewed by Michael H. Floyd
Jacob Thiessen and Harald Seubert, eds., Die Königsherrschaft Jahwes: Festschrift zur Emeritierung von Herbert H. Klement
Reviewed by Mark W. Hamilton
Steven J. Schweitzer and Frauke Uhlenbruch, eds., Worlds That Could Not Be: Utopia in Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah
Reviewed by Sean Burt
Jane Lancaster Patterson, Keeping the Feast: Metaphors of Sacrifice in 1 Corinthians and Philippians
Reviewed by Timothy A. Brookins
Martin Nitsche, “Und das Königtum war fest in der Hand Salomos”: Untersuchungen zu 1 Kön 3
Reviewed by Herbert H. Klement
G. Brooke Lester, Daniel Evokes Isaiah: Allusive Characterization of Foreign Rule in the Hebrew-Aramaic Book of Daniel
Reviewed by Nathan Mastnjak
Reviewed by Ian Young
Nancy C. Lee, Hannevi’ah and Hannah: Hearing Women Biblical Prophets in a Women’s Lyrical Tradition
Reviewed by Claude F. Mariottini
Nicholas de Lange, Japheth in the Tents of Shem: Greek Bible Translations in Byzantine Judaism
Reviewed by Robert J. Littman
Ulrich H. J. Körtner, Arbeit am Kanon: Studien zur Bibelhermeneutik
Reviewed by Mark W. Elliott
Matthew E. Gordley, Teaching through Song in Antiquity: Didactic Hymnody among Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians
Reviewed by Steven Thompson
Gordon D. Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians: Revised Edition
Reviewed by Craig A. Evans
Mark R. Fairchild, Christian Origins in Ephesus and Asia Minor
Reviewed by Susana de Sola Funsten
Keith Bodner, After the Invasion: A Reading of Jeremiah 40–44
Reviewed by Marvin A. Sweeney
Stephane A. Beaulieu, “Behold! My Servant”: An Exegetical and Theological Study of the Identity and Role of the Servant in Isaiah 42:1-9
Reviewed by Steven Bishop
Richard E. Payne, A State of Mixture: Christians, Zoroastrians, and Iranian Political Culture in Late Antiquity
Reviewed by Jennifer Hart
Matthew Newkirk, Just Deceivers: An Exploration of the Motif of Deception in the Books of Samuel
Reviewed by Juan Miguel Betancourt
Francis Landy, Leigh Trevaskis, and Bryan Bibb, eds., Text, Time, and Temple: Literary, Historical and Ritual Studies in Leviticus
Reviewed by Samuel L. Boyd
Christine Jacobi, Jesusüberlieferung bei Paulus? Analogien zwischen den echten Paulusbriefen und den synoptischen Evangelien
Reviewed by Kari Syreeni
Paul Han, Swimming in the Sea of Scripture: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 4:7–13:13
Reviewed by Seth M. Ehorn
Walter Brueggemann; K. C. Hanson, ed., The Role of Old Testament Theology in Old Testament Interpretation: And Other Essays
Reviewed by Ben C. Ollenburger
Peder Borgen, The Gospel of John: More Light from Philo, Paul and Archaeology: The Scriptures, Tradition, Exposition, Settings, Meaning
Reviewed by Harold W. Attridge
Mark J. Boda, ‘Return To Me’: A Biblical Theology of Repentance
Reviewed by Josh Mathews
Giovanni B. Bazzana, Kingdom of Bureaucracy: The Political Theology of Village Scribes in the Sayings Gospel Q
Reviewed by Sarah E. Rollens
James Donkor Afoakwah, The Nathan-David Confrontation (2 Sam 12:1–15a): A Slap in the Face of the Deuteronomistic Hero?
Reviewed by George G. Nicol
Oda Wischmeyer, Liebe als Agape: Das frühchristliche Konzept und der moderne Diskurs
Reviewed by by Athanasios Despotis
Osvaldo D. Vena, Jesus, Disciple of the Kingdom: Mark’s Christology for a Community in Crisis
Reviewed by by John W. Fadden
Jang Ryu, Knowledge of God in Philo of Alexandria
Reviewed by by Gregory E. Sterling
Catherine Petrany, Pedagogy, Prayer and Praise: The Wisdom of the Psalms and Psalter
Reviewed by by Marco Pavan
Saul M. Olyan, Ritual Violence in the Hebrew Bible: New Perspectives
Reviewed by by Jeremiah W. Cataldo
Robert J. Myles and Caroline Blyth, eds., Sexuality, Ideology and the Bible: Antipodean Engagements
Reviewed by by Rhiannon Graybill
Siegfried Kreuzer, The Bible in Greek: Translation, Transmission, and Theology of the Septuagint
Reviewed by by W. Edward Glenny
Else K. Holt and Carolyn J. Sharp, eds., Jeremiah Invented: Constructions and Deconstructions of Jeremiah
Reviewed by by Marvin A. Sweeney
John Paul Heil, 1–3 John: Worship by Loving God and One Another to Live Eternally
Reviewed by by Chris S. Stevens
David A. Fiensy and James Riley Strange, eds., Galilee in the Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods, Volume 1: Life, Culture, and Society
Reviewed by by Ralph K. Hawkins
Jin Young Choi, Postcolonial Discipleship of Embodiment: An Asian and Asian American Feminist Reading of the Gospel of Mark
Reviewed by by Chang Seon An
Reviewed by by Angela N. Parker
John M. G. Barclay, Paul and the Gift
Reviewed by by Matthew V. Novenson
Garrick V. Allen, Ian Paul, and Simon P. Woodman, eds., The Book of Revelation: Currents in British Research on the Apocalypse
Reviewed by by Hanna Stenström
Sami Yli-Karjanmaa, Reincarnation in Philo of Alexandria
Reviewed by Justin M. Rogers
Cana Werman, ed., From Author to Copyist: Essays on the Composition, Redaction, and Transmission of the Hebrew Bible in Honor of Zipi Talshir
Reviewed by Pieter de Vries
Kristi Upson-Saia, Carly Daniel-Hughes, and Alicia J. Batten, eds., Dressing Judeans and Christians in Antiquity
Reviewed by Janelle Peters
James M. Scott, BACCHIUS IUDAEUS: A Denarius Commemorating Pompey’s Victory over Judea
Reviewed by G. Anthony Keddie
John Scheid, The Gods, the State, and the Individual: Reflections on Civic Religion in Rome
Reviewed by Jeffrey Brodd
Iain Provan, V. Philips Long, and Tremper Longman III, A Biblical History of Israel
Reviewed by Aren Maeir
Hugo Lundhaug and Lance Jenott, The Monastic Origins of the Nag Hammadi Codices
Reviewed by Timothy Pettipiece
Raimo Hakola, Reconsidering Johannine Christianity: A Social Identity Approach
Reviewed by Cornelis Bennema
Elizabeth W. Goldstein, Impurity and Gender in the Hebrew Bible
Reviewed by Thomas Kazen
Markham J. Geller and Ludek Vacin, Healing Magic and Evil Demons: Canonical Udug-hul Incantations
Reviewed by Michael S. Moore
Oliver Dyma, Stefanie-Ulrike Gulde-Karmann, and Dagmar Kühn, eds., ‘Der Herr des Himmels möge lang machen seine Tage und seine Jahre’: Religionsgeschichtliche Beiträge; Festschrift für Herbert Niehr zum 60. Geburtstag
Reviewed by Markus Witte
Brian C. Dennert, John the Baptist and the Jewish Setting of Matthew
Reviewed by Brian LePort
Lincoln Blumell and Thomas Wayment, eds., Christian Oxyrhynchus: Texts, Documents, and Sources
Reviewed by Geoffrey S. Smith
Mary Ann Beavis and HyeRan Kim-Cragg, Hebrews
Reviewed by Bryan J. Whitfield