RBL Newsletter, 28 March 2008

The following new reviews have been added to the Review of Biblical Literature.

Joan Cecelia Campbell, Kinship Relations in the Gospel of John
Reviewed by Ritva H. Williams

Daniel K. Falk, The Parabiblical Texts: Strategies for Extending the Scriptures among the Dead Sea Scrolls
Reviewed by Matthew Goff

Karin Finsterbusch, Armin Lange, and K. F. Diethard Römheld, eds., Human Sacrifice in Jewish and Christian Tradition
Reviewed by Jason Tatlock

John Fotopoulos, ed., The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context: Studies in Honor of David E. Aune
Reviewed by Michael Labahn
Reviewed by Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr

Paul M. Fullmer, Resurrection in Mark’s Literary-Historical Perspective
Reviewed by John Dart

Martha Himmelfarb, A Kingdom of Priests: Ancestry and Merit in Ancient Judaism
Reviewed by Henryk Drawnel

F. Rachel Magdalene, On the Scales of Righteousness: Neo-Babylonian Trial Law and the Book of Job
Reviewed by Markus Witte

James K. Mead, Biblical Theology: Issues, Methods, and Themes
Reviewed by James D. G. Dunn

Jean-Marc Michaud, ed., La Bible et l’héritage d’Ougarit: Mélanges bibliques et orientaux en hommage posthume à Monsieur André Caquot
Reviewed by Paul Sanders

Günter Neumann, Glossar des Lykischen: Überarbeitet und zum Druck gebracht von Johann Tischler
Reviewed by Diether Schürr

Romano Penna, Lettera ai Romani: II. Rm 6-11
Reviewed by Lee S. Bond

Neil A. Soggie, Myth, God, and War: The Mythopoetic Inspiration of Joshua
Reviewed by Ovidiu Creangă

Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, Priestly Rites and Prophetic Rage: Post-exilic Prophetic Critique of the Priesthood
Reviewed by Reinhard Achenbach

William Varner, The Way of the Didache: The First Christian Handbook
Reviewed by Jonathan A. Draper

Robert Louis Wilken, trans. and ed.; with Angela Russell Christman and Michael J. Hollerich, Isaiah: Interpreted by Early Christian and Medieval Commentators
Reviewed by J. David Cassel