2022.05.40. Schart, Maleachi

Aaron Schart, Maleachi
S. D. (Fanie) Snyman

2022.05.39. Parker, If God Still Breathes, Why Can’t I?

Angela N. Parker, If God Still Breathes, Why Can’t I? Black Lives Matter and Biblical Authority
Abraham Smith

2022.05.38. Oliver, Luke’s Jewish Eschatology

Isaac W. Oliver, Luke’s Jewish Eschatology: The National Restoration of Israel in Luke-Acts
Ron Clark

2022.05.37. Lozada and Segovia, Latino/a Theology and the Bible

Francisco Lozada Jr. and Fernando F. Segovia, eds.,  Latino/a Theology and the Bible: Ethnic-Racial Reflections on Interpretation
Angela N. Parker

2022.05.36. Johnson, Patients and Performative Identities

J. Cale Johnson, ed., Patients and Performative Identities: At the Intersection of the Mesopotamian Technical Disciplines and Their Clients
M. J. Geller

2022.05.35. Gupta, Paul and the Language of Faith

Nijay K. Gupta, Paul and the Language of Faith
Gregory E. Lamb

2022.05.34. Gibson, The Apostolos

Samuel Gibson, The Apostolos: The Acts and Epistles in Byzantine Liturgical Manuscripts
Denis L. Salgado

2022.05.33. Cornell, Divine Doppelgängers

Collin Cornell, ed.,  Divine Doppelgängers: YHWH’s Ancient Look-Alikes
Michael Coogan

2022.05.32. Conway, Judging the Judges

Mary L. Conway, Judging the Judges: A Narrative Appraisal Analysis
David G. Firth

2022.05.31. Aufrecht, A Corpus of Ammonite Inscriptions

Walter E. Aufrecht, A Corpus of Ammonite Inscriptions
Dennis Pardee

2022.05.30. Shao, Jonah: A Pastoral and Contextual Commentary

Rosa Ching Shao, Jonah: A Pastoral and Contextual Commentary
Daniel André Gloor

2022.05.29. Schorch, The Samaritan Pentateuch, Volume I: Genesis

Stefan Schorch, ed., The Samaritan Pentateuch, Volume I: Genesis
Ingrid Hjelm

2022.05.28. Schipper, The Hermeneutics of Torah

Bernd U. Schipper, The Hermeneutics of Torah
David Penchansky

2022.05.27. Porter and Pang, The Letter to the Romans

Stanley E. Porter and Francis G. H. Pang, eds., The Letter to the Romans: Exegesis and Application
Mark Cooper

2022.05.26. Moore, Gospel Jesuses and Other Nonhumans

Stephen D. Moore, Gospel Jesuses and Other Nonhumans: Biblical Criticism Post-poststructuralism
Matthew J. Klem

2022.05.25. Mojola, God Speaks My Language

Aloo Osotsi Mojola, God Speaks My Language: A History of Bible Translation in East Africa
Nebeyou Alemu Terefe

2022.05.24. Landry and Martens, Inquiry into the New Testament

David T. Landry and John W. Martens, Inquiry into the New Testament: Ancient Context to Contemporary Significance
Jonathan Gan

2022.05.23. Gudme and Valkama, Approaching the Dead

Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme and Kirsi Valkama, eds., Approaching the Dead: Studies on Mortuary Ritual in the Ancient World
F. Dorie Mansen

2022.05.22. Bulundwe and Dandelot, Approches et méthodes en sciences bibliques

Luc Bulundwe and Chen Dandelot, eds., Approches et méthodes en sciences bibliques: Quoi de neuf
Sébastien Doane

2022.05.21. Blois, Mutual Boasting in Philippians

Isaac D. Blois, Mutual Boasting in Philippians: The Ethical Function of Shared Honor in its Biblical and Greco-Roman Context
Gregory E. Lamb

2022.05.20. Tonstad, The Letter to the Romans

Sigve K. Tonstad, The Letter to the Romans: Paul among the Ecologists
Cherryl Hunt

2022.05.19. Schellenberg, Abject Joy

Ryan S. Schellenberg, Abject Joy: Paul, Prison, and the Art of Making Do
Akio Ito

2022.05.18. O’Connor, Genesis 25B–50

Kathleen M. O’Connor, Genesis 25B–50
Joel M. LeMon

2022.05.17. Metso, The Community Rule

Sarianna Metso, The Community Rule: A Critical Edition with Translation
Jeff Cross

2022.05.16. Kusio, The Antichrist Tradition in Antiquity

Mateusz Kusio, The Antichrist Tradition in Antiquity: Antimessianism in Second Temple and Early Christian Literature
Brandon R. Grafius

2022.05.15. Kloppenborg, Christ’s Associations

John S. Kloppenborg, Christ’s Associations: Connecting and Belonging in the Ancient City
Peter Oakes

2022.05.14. Klinghardt, The Oldest Gospel and the Formation of the Canonical Gospels

Matthias Klinghardt, The Oldest Gospel and the Formation of the Canonical Gospels
Olegs Andrejevs

2022.05.13. Dušek, The Samaritans in Historical, Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives

Jan Dušek, ed., The Samaritans in Historical, Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives
Christian Stadel

2022.05.12. Calduch-Benages, For Wisdom’s Sake

Nuria Calduch-Benages, For Wisdom’s Sake: Collected Essays on the Book of Ben Sira
Oda Wischmeyer

2022.05.11. Beitzel, Where Was the Biblical Red Sea?

Barry J. Beitzel, Where Was the Biblical Red Sea? Examining the Ancient Evidence
David Ben-Gad HaCohen

2022.05.10. Rhyder, Centralizing the Cult

Julia Rhyder, Centralizing the Cult: The Holiness Legislation in Leviticus 17–26
David M. Carr

2022.05.09. Oegema, The Oxford Handbook of the Apocrypha

Gerbern S. Oegema, ed., The Oxford Handbook of the Apocrypha
Lawrence M. Wills

2022.05.08. King, Speech-in-Character, Diatribe, and Romans 3:1–9

Justin King, Speech-in-Character, Diatribe, and Romans 3:1–9: Who’s Speaking When and Why It Matters
Rafael Rodríguez

2022.05.07. Haacker, Die Apostelgeschichte

Klaus Haacker, Die Apostelgeschichte
Daniel B. Glover

2022.05.06. Gebauer, Hugo Greßmann und sein Programm der Religionsgeschichte

Sascha Gebauer, Hugo Greßmann und sein Programm der Religionsgeschichte
Peter Porzig

2022.05.05. Del Olmo Lete, Lectura intertextual de la Biblia hebrea

Gregorio  Del Olmo Lete, Lectura intertextual de la Biblia hebrea: Ensayo de literatura comparada
Miren Junkal Guevara Llaguno

2022.05.04. Chilton, Resurrection Logic

Bruce D. Chilton,  Resurrection Logic: How Jesus’ First Followers Believed God Raised Him from the Dead
John Granger Cook

2022.05.03. Berthelot, Langlois, and Legrand, Torah

Katell Berthelot, Michaël Langlois, and Thierry Legrand, eds., Torah: Deutéronome et Pentateuque dans son ensemble
Ariel Feldman

2022.05.02. Beeley and Weedman, The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology

Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, eds., The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology
Peter J. Judge

2022.05.01. Barmash and Hamilton, In the Shadow of Empire

Pamela Barmash and Mark W. Hamilton, eds., In the Shadow of Empire: Israel and Judah in the Long Sixth Century BCE
Yigal Levin